Frequently Asked Questions.
Is OnPurpose Apparel a Christian based Company?
In short Yes! We are Christians our selves as well as most of our customers. Still we strive to offer products that believers and non-believers can wear.
What Organizations does OnPurpose Apparel donate too?
A major part of our mission is funding world-changing organizations from the profits of this company! We hope to grow in the amount we can give and the vast amounts of partnerships we can create! Our main donations are going to the Anchorage a Christian based recovery facility and in the near future Heritage of hope an Organization helping break victims out of sex trafficking!
How can I become an Ambassador ?
If you are an influencer or just a die-hard OnPurpose customer you can apply for a discounted membership by emailing us!
How to Partner with OnPurpose Apparel?
If your Organization is intrested in partnering with OnPurpose Apparel or would want to receive donations from OPA then email us!